Safety & Security Certification
Our engineers and safety experts have conducted safety and security reviews on major transit agencies nationwide. We review agency SSMP, SSCP, and overall certification processes. Our safety and often security assessments review the existing safety certification process and document the current status of safety elements for projects. The reviews often include:
Assessment of the Safety Hazard Methodology including means for hazard ranking
Assessment of the current process with Industry and FTA practices
Review Agency SSMP SSCP and overall certification process
Assessment of the project safety certification process with respect to compliance with the Agency’s overall safety certification procedures
Overall status of the Agency Safety & Security Certification process
Throughout each Project life cycle, there are numerous points of interaction between team members, clients, and regulatory agencies. TSE Project Managers work closely with clients to help achieve and maintain regulatory compliance of Project services and deliverables.
When in role as the Safety and Security Certification program manager, TSE is responsible for all design and construction safety aspects of the project, including the development and execution of the System Safety Certification Plan, Safety Compliance Assessments, Safety & Security Design Criteria, CEL, PHA, SHA, SSA, FTA, FMEA, SSHA, Hazard Log, Design Criteria Checklist, Installation Checklist and Training Checklist.